Senin, 20 Februari 2012

Sumatran Tiger Attacking Villager

Villager in Merangin district are asking to local government for immediately dispel wild Sumatran tigers (Panthera Tigris Sumatrae) that scare and prevent them from doing daily activities.

Lubuk Gaung Village Chief, Abdul Karim, said that on Sunday the Sumatran tigers are roaming around the resident's houses. Abdul added that his villager particularly farmers and gold miners are really scared.

Tigers already attacked two of his villagers. Currently, the local residents are afraid to go into the woods and rivers to do their daily routine such as tapping rubber and panning for gold, he said.

Neighboring Nalo Tan-Tan village chief, Thamrin, also said that the government must understand the people’s fear of being haunted by the tigers every day.

He feared if the government do not immediately dispel the tigers, farmers on the side of the Kerinci Seblat Park will starve. Bacause of the tiger, they do not dare to tap rubber and pan for gold, or do other agricultural activities.

As reported earlier that on January 20, a 33-year old local resident named Sargawi was found dead after allegedly being attacked by the wild Sumatran tigers.

Later, a Nangko hamlet resident Mardi also fell victim to tiger attack. He was found with his leg missing and he is now being treated at Merangin general hospital.

The latest reported case was in Lubuk Gaung hamlet where tiger almost attacked 50-year old female Samaini. The incident occurred when Samaini was about to take water from the well beside her house.

At that time, Samaini heard a tiger roars from her back, witnessing the beast near her, she then immediately screamed for her husband.

Her scream made the tiger immediately fled to the jungle, and her husband Tabri went straight to his wife, who was pale at the time.

Lately, Sumatran Tiger often attacking villger, this behavior believed because of human expansion for sattlement and plantation on Sumatran Tiger terittory.

Sumatran Tiger or Panthera Tigris Sumatrae ia endangered animal, faced critical extinction. Estimated only about 400-500 Sumtran Tigers remaining in wild nature.

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