Cinta mengalahkan segalanya, tanpa cinta manusia akan mati rasa, kelu, kering, tanpa arti. Berbagi cinta akan membentuk manusia menjadi saling mengerti, menerima, dan berdampingan.
Kamis, 29 Maret 2012
Thousands Miles Justice For My Son
Father's love will last forever, even though his son had died years ago. This is a story of one man journey who demanded justice for the death of his son.
A 53 year old Indonesian father, Indra Azwan, from Malang, East Java Province, is demanding justice for what happened to his son.
For the last 19 years, Indra is seeking justice for his 12 years old son, Rifki Andie, that died in 1993 because of hit and run accident by a police officer, when crossing a road.
The case has no obvious solution until this day, and the police officer who did the hit and run that caused 12 years old child loss his life, is still free.
In the search for justice, Indra repeatedly traveled thousands of miles by foot from Malang to Indonesian Capital, Jakarta.
Recently, he traveled again to returning the money from indonesian president that also sympathetic for his son's death.
Indra never tired for traveling thousands of miles by foot. His only demand is justice for his son death, never expecting money from anyone.
Justice only for the rich not for the poor people, he said. By his journey, Indra hoped entire world could see the injustice that his family has received.
Despite having a strong heart for determination, from his both eyes appear that Indra is so tired to seek justice in this cruel world. Indra know, his last hope is justice from God.
Only God can give undeniable justice. I can feel the smell of flowers, my son is now in heaven, said Indra.
Kamis, 22 Maret 2012
Rafflesia Arnoldii For World Heritage
What is the largest flower plants on earth? Maybe some of you never heard about it. This kind of flower plants called Rafflesia Arnoldii, one of parasitic flowering plants from Rafflesia genus.
There are about 28 type of Rafllesia, these plants only found in South East Asia.The first Rafflesia Arnoldii is founded in 1818 by Sir Thomas Stamford Bingley Raffles, a British Governor General for Sumatran Island at that time, with his guide Dr Joseph Arnold.
Rafllesia Arnoldii flowers diameter may reach around 100 cm or 4 ft, and weighing up to 11 kilogram. This corpses smell flowers has become the pride of Indonesian people.
A cultural expert, Tantawi Jauhari, is proposing to recognize Raflesia Arnoldii habitat as Unesco world heritage. He said that really reasonable for Indonesian Bukit Daun protected forest, in Bengkulu Province, Sumatran Island, propossed as natural heritage sites because rafllesia arnoldii is the largest flower in the world.
Indonesian government already proposed several of it natural heritage sites to be registered at UNESCO, including Kerihun Betung National Park in West Borneo Province, Bunaken National Park, Raja Ampat and Taka Bonerate National Park.
People are expecting rafflesia habitat in Bukit Daun Protected Forest also registered as Unesco world heritage, so rafllesia can be under Unesco protection.
Rafflesia plants researcher from Agriculture Faculty of Bengkulu University, Dr Agus Susatya, explain that four types of rafflesia still can be found in Bengkulu Province, but these plants condition is threatened by forest encroachers activities.
Four species of rafflesia plants that live in Bengkulu forest are arnoldi type, gadutensis, hasselti and bengkuluensis type. In the past five years, Rafflesia plant is more and more difficult to find in Bengkulu forest.
According to Agus, Raflesia that bloom in forest areas increasingly difficult to find because of illegal logging activities and massive plantations expansion.
Wajah Mu di Facebook
Telah beberapa waktu menggunakan jejaring sosial facebook, ternyata mendapat banyak pelajaran dari situs pertemanan ini.
Facebook ternyata mengungkapkan wajah atau karakter sesungguhnya dari individu yang dikenal.
Ya, ada teman yang begitu pemalu di dunia nyata, namun sangat agresif saat berselancar di jejaring ini.
Maklum saja, facebook memang media untuk mengungkapkan ekspresi, pikiran, uneg-uneg, maupun informasi.
Perhatikan setiap status yang diketik, hampir dapat dipastikan karakter sang penulis.
Ada status yang lebayyy, karakter ini sebenarnya orang yang sangat percaya diri.
Status dengan makna yang rumit, ini bearti orang tersebut sebenarnya sangat memperhatikan detil, maupun lingkungan sekitarnya.
Banyak yang enggan berbicara di muka umum, tapi menyampaikannya di wall facebook, seperti status yang berbau SARA. Ini adalah karakter yang keras.
Sering juga facebooker menggunakan tulisan prokem yang sulit dibaca, ini jelas kalangan remaja, meski tak jarang paruh baya juga melakukan hal sama (jiwa kekanakan).
Dari foto profil, juga dapat diketahui jiwa dari pemilik facebook. Foto dengan dagu sengaja dipanjangkan bearti kurang percaya diri, takut dianggap tak menarik.
Jika foto profil hanya wajah saja, hampir dapat dipastikan orang ini jarang atau enggan berfoto.
Bila mengenakan jas formil, umumnya karakter ini bagian dari kelompok atau organisasi.
Foto dengan separuh badan, biasanya karakter ini lebih sering di dalam ruangan. Bila foto penuh/hampir penuh, memiliki jiwa petualang.
Karakter kreatif, biasanya memiliki foto profil diblur, disephia (hitam-putih), ada teks, serta foto yang complicated.
Sedangkan foto profil dengan gambar benda ekonomis, seperti komputer, kamera, sayuran, buku, memiliki makna karakter yang selalu giat. (sepanjang status wall relevan dengan foto profil)
Seseorang yang mudah bergaul sering mencantumkan foto profil dengan gambar lebih dari dua orang di dalamnya. Karakter ini mengerti arti persahabatan dan nilai keluarga.
Sementara facebooker tanpa foto profil, adalah karakter yang mudah menyerah, takut untuk memulai, ada sedikit kecenderungan pemalas, fobia.
Facebooker yang sering meng-upload atau men-share video, ada kemungkinan sebagai karakter yang berduit atau bisa jadi sangat penyabar.
Bila video yang ditampilkan mengandung unsur porno, artinya karakter yang nekad, tapi jika sekadar foto sexy bearti karakter yang iseng.
Seseorang yang gemar men-share link, bearti karater yang sangat informatif, berpendirian, namun tak jarang membawa pesan suasana hati.
Tak sedikit pengguna facebook yang menyembunyikan, tanggal lahir, email, apalagi foto, ini jelas karakter yang melihat batas private, dan cukup cerdas.
Terdapat pula facebooker yang menyeting agar hanya dirinya yang bisa menulis di wall, ini bearti karaktern yang mudah emosi, kurang kepedulian sosial, dan tidak menerima kritikan.
Banyak lagi yang bisa dipelajari melalui Facebook... anda lebih mengenal dia di dunia maya dari pada dunia nyata yang penuh topeng!!!
Butuh Kirim SMS ke Alamat Email
Dalam era teknologi crazy saat ini banyak pesan/informasi harus disampaikan melalui email. Padahal belum tentu anda memiliki perangkat untuk mengirim via email.
Tidak punya laptop + Modem, tak punya hp Black Berry, atau hp lainnya yang mendukung email, yang ada hanya hp butut jenis lama atau hp abal-abal produksi negeri tirai bambu.
Kendala sepert ini sering dialami oleh pekerja lapangan yang harus segera mengirim laporan, seperti reporter dengan deadline yang berat.
Sebenarnya, beberapa pemberi layanan provider selular seperti Indosat, Telkomsel, dan Pro XL, menyediakan fasilitas mengirim SMS ke Email, hanya saja detil seperti ini jarang diketahui pengguna.
Untuk mengirim SMS dari hp soak dengan tujuan Email adalah seperti berikut:
1. Indosat
Format : MAIL
Kirim pesan ke nomor 777, lalu tekan OK.
Format :
kirim ke nomor 5678
3. ProXL
Kirim ke nomor 912
Catatan: tanda <> tak perlu diketik, semoga bermanfaat....
Senin, 19 Maret 2012
Twitter Mania - Facebooker Reporter Informasi Terkini
Sebelum menyampaikan bagaimana para penggila facebook dan twitter secara saadar atau tidak menjadi "online dan uptodate reporter" ada beberapa hal yang patut diketahui.
Jejaring sosial, Facebook dan Twitter, memang sarana berbagi cerita, kabar, status, uneg-uneg, yang sangat populer. Dengan media sosial ini, masyarakat bahkan dapat membagi/share foto dan film.
Aliran informasi yang ingin disampaikan biasanya hanya ditujukan kepada orang-orang terdekat, keluarga, teman, rekan kerja, dan sebagainya.
Namun patut diketahui, secara bawaan/default penyampaian kabar/informasi/status pada Facebook maupun Twitter umumnya terseting untuk konsumsi publik.
Singkatnya, dengan perangkat search engine yang benar, maka semua informasi/kabar/status seantero dunia dapat terlihat.
Terlepas dari pro-kontra bahwa informasi yang disampaikan hanya untuk kalangan tertentu, sebenarnya para pengguna facebook dan twitter telah menyumbang bagi perkembangan dan penyampaian informasi publik yang revolusioner.
Update status pada twitter yang paling mudah dilihat, fasilitas untuk melihat status publik disediakan dalam layanan search engine Bing Sosial, nah ini dia linknya
Sementara untuk melihat status kategori publik di facebook, anda dapat menggunakan Openbook, dan ini linknya
Penggunaan layanan ini hanya perlu mengetikkan kata terkait informasi yang dicari dalam kotak pencarian dan kemudian hanya menekan enter, walaaaaa semua status/informasi publik yang dengan berhubungan dengan kata kunci akan terlihat secara uptodate.
Kenapa layanan ini? karena search engine biasa seperti google dan lain-lain, memiliki akses yang sangat terbatas untuk menggunakan informasi dari facebook maupun twitter.
Untuk Bing Social, layanan ini dikelola oleh jasa korporasi, sementara Openbook merupakan hasil karya dari orang-orang yang mengkritik facebook.
Baru-baru ini, sempat terjadi kekisruhan antara ormas dengan masyarakat di Kota Pontianak, Kalbar, Dengan hanya mengetikkan kata kunci, segala informasi/status terkait kejadian tersebut langsung tertera.
Anda dapat bayangkan, mendapat informasi langsung dari saksi mata yang berada ditempat kejadian, tentunya sangat bermanfaat. Kadang memang hanya komentar belaka sih.
Begitu banyak yang memberikan kontribusi status/informasi, mulai dari anak sekolahan, remaja, pegawai negeri, aparat, LSM, bahkan provokator sekalipun. Karena itu anda harus cermat dalam mengakses informasi yang diterima.
Semakin gempar atau populer kejadian yang kita cari informasinya, maka semakin luar biasa arus informasi/status di twitter dan facebook.
Luar biasanya informasi selalu diperbarui bersamaan dengan saat facebooker atau twitter mania mengetikkan status. Tak hanya informasi tulis, namun juga foto dan video terkait yang di-attach, dapat anda akses atau download.
Informasi yang anda terima, sangat sangat sangat cepat jika dibandingkan/mengharapkan berita dari web media online.
Untuk saat ini, saya lebih menyarankan penggunaan Bing Social untuk melihat status Twitter, karena penyedia jasa layanan ini telah bekerjasama dengan Twitter.
Sementara untuk Openbook bagi melihat status publik Facebook, memiliki keterbatasan dalam mengakses maupun dalam kecepatan mengupdate status publik facebook. Maklumlah, Openbook hanya merupakan karya kelompok orang saja, yang tidak berniat mencari keuntungan.
Rabu, 14 Maret 2012
Sumatran Elephants Last Hope
Human-elephant relationship never harmonious since prehistoric times, until today.
The elephants seemed have no right to live on this cruel world because of human need for lands and men ruthless exploitation to those big animals.
It takes many wise unselfish men, community, policy, fund, and will, to save elephants from extinction. For this purpose Way Kambas National Park was established.
The Elephant Conservation Centre (PKG) of Way Kambas National Park (TNWK) is in East Lampung regency, Lampung Province, Sumatra Island, Indonesia.
TNWK was established in 1985, the park is the first Elephant Training Center (PLG) in Indonesia. Now its status has changed to Elephant Conservation Center (PKG)
There are about 60 Sumatran Elephants (Elephas maximus sumatranus) lived at the conservation center areas. This areas expected to be the center for domestication, training, breeding, and conservation of Sumatran elephants that continue to shrink in numbers.
International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), said Sumatran elephants are endangered species because its population is reduced to 2,400-2,800 elephants from about 5,000 elephants in 1985.
Various of causes that lead to those heavy animals extinction, including elephants conflict with human due to men massive land expansion, illegal hunting activities, and disesases.
Cases of elephant poaching for it high value ivory is increasing in some Sumatra Island areas.
Meanwhile, elephant-human conflict are continued to occur. One of Margahayu Villager, Satari, admitted he and his family is unable to do much when wild elephants ruffled their plantation.
Satari recognized that he and along with hundreds other villagers from Braja Asri Village, Braja Yekti Village, Proyek village, and Plang Ijo Village, only able to block elephants attack by guarding around TNWK areas.
He said villagers no longer calculating losses due elephant-human conflict. The elephants often looting their crops before the harvest time come.
Some farmers even choose to trade around conservation park areas rather than working on their farm.
Head of TNWK, Awen Pranata, explain that human-elephant conflict never caused human life casualties. However, residents had suffered great losses because of their plantations destroyed.
Conflict with humans usually occur before harvest time, because elephants have sharp smell, the big animal come to citizens farm and agriculture areas.
He hope that 200 new men at TNWK will able to dispel wild elephants from residents neighborhood.
There are about 36 villages that near with the national park. However, elephant is often targeting 23 villages because those vilagges are adjacent with conservation forests.
He said, in the future, TNWK will minimize the elephant attacks on people and agricultural crops, with involving the local community.
In addition, TNWK will also restored some forrest area for elephants and provide assistance support for local communities to improve their economic livelihood.
Elephant conflicts with residents in the surrounding buffer zones have been very worrying.
According to the Secretary of Way Kambas Forum Rembuk Desa Penyangga (FRDP), Suyuti, during 2010 occurred about 500 cases of elephant-human conflict in that region. In January-September 2011 about 785 cases occurred.
Minggu, 11 Maret 2012
President Regulation made 3.32 Million Hectares Borneo Deforestation
Indonesian President Regulation, No. 3 of 2012, on Borneo Island Land Use Plan allegedly able to deforesting about 3.32 million hectares of Central Borneo Province forest. Invironmental NGOs urge for immediately review on the President Regulation.
Director of Indonesian Forest Watch (FWI), Hapsoro, on Saturday (3/10/12), said that government should review this regulation before it can make forest destruction widespread.
Hapsoro explain, President Regulation removes the status of Limited Production Forest (HPT) in State Forest Zone.
According to him, HPT status loses implies to more serious threat of deforestation in Central Borneo Province.
NGOs analysis discover about 3.32 million hectares of Central Borneo Province forest will vanish if President Regulation not reviewed. This areas previosly categorized as a Limited Production Forest (HPT).
Based on reports released in July 2011, FWI reveal that Central Borneo Province is province with the highest deforestation rate in Indonesia.
At least, he added, about 2 million hectares of Central Borneo forest have been lost in 2000 - 2009 period.
Forest loss occurred in almost all types of forest ecosystems, including 490 thousand hectares of peatland forest ecosystem.
FWI already delivering the massive scale of Central Borneo forest destruction occurrences to government, but a few months later government aggravate Central Borneo forest condition through No. 3 of 2012 Presiden Regulation.
Jumat, 09 Maret 2012
1 Million Ton Greenhouse Emission from Tofu Waste
Indonesian tofu industries is one of the significant contibutor for greenhouse emission in this country.
There is about 84 thousand units tofu homeindustries in Indonesia, with production capacity more than 2.56 million ton of tofu a year. 80 percent of Indonesian tofu industries located on Java Island.
This industry produced liquid wastes that up to 20 millions cubic meter per year, with about 1 million ton greenhouse emission produced.
Kyoto protocol arranged six kinds of greenhouse gases, that is carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrogen oxide (N2O), and other three industrial gases that contained fluoride (HFC, PFC,dan SF6). 70 percent greenhose emission volume is carbon dioxide, then followed by methane, nitrogen oxide, etc.
For tackling this problem, Indonesian Environmental Technology Center for Technology Assessment and Application (BPPT PTL), developed liquid waste management technology that turn tofu wastes into bio gas fuel.
Pilot project for this technology set at Banyumas Regency, Cental Java Province. There is about 2 thousand tofu industries exist in Banyumas Regency.
BPPT researcher, Widiatmini SW, said that liquid waste treatment can reduce environmental pollution and help to meet community need for energy.
With liquid waste management technology, people can produce 6,500 liter bio gas from 1 meter cubic of tofu liquid wastes. For this process BPPT PTL placing Fixed Bed Reactor in Kalisari Village and Cikembulan Village, Banyumas Regency, with funding from Research and Technology Ministry
From pilot project in that two villages, 50 households already using generated biogas to replace LPG. They savings about 90 tons of LPG per year, and reducing 184 tons of CO2 emissions a year.
Palm Oil Polluting Harbor Waters
Water pollution caused by crude palm oil (CPO) spill, occurred several times in this past month at Pelindo Port waters, Dumai Province.
Again, new spill happened on Thursday (3/8/12), resulting harbor waters very murky.
According local resident, CPO spill allegedly comes from a factory belonging to Ivomas Bulking company, one of companies that operating in that harbor. The spill was discovered at 01.00 pm afternoon.
CPO spill flooded on drainage channel around Ivomas Bulking Company areas, right at the 2rd harbor enterance.
Meanwhile, Head of Dumai City Environmental Office (KLH), Basri, confirmed the occurrence of another CPO spill from Ivomas Company factory.
Observing from companies CPO spill at the scene, Basri asserts, it is time to do replacement on company CPO pipeline.
Wakatobi Will be World Biosphere Reserve
Wakatobi Region, Southeast Sulawesi Province, Indonesia, will immediately set out to be the world biosphere reserve by United Nation Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (Unesco).
Wakatobi well known as Indonesian most important national marine park, maintained at 1996, with about 1.39 million hectares areas of sea biological diversity. Wakatobi coral condition is one of Indonesia sea conservation highgest priorities
Chief of Wakatobi Regency, Hugua, said that Unesco will held a convene in April 2012 at Paris to set Wakatobi region as world biosphere reserve areas.
There are three protected interest in establishing Wakatobi as the world biosphere reserve, that is indigenous people, environmental, and sustainable economic to Wakatobi society.
Local knowledge is protected, regarding Wakatobi cultural traditions in how local Wakatobi treating environment and take something from nature.
Wakatobi people really appreciate the mother nature because with her generosity, provides quite abundant source for all human need.
The region environmental sustainability need to be protected because Wakatobi waters have rich diversity of coral reefs and marine life.
The number of coral reefs species in Wakatobi waters reached 750 species from 850 coral reef species in the world. Meanwhile, there is just only 50 coral reef species In Caribbean Sea, while the Red Sea only has 300 species.
That means, Wakatobi waters areas with approximately 1.5 million hectares, saving about 90 percent of the whole world potential marine resources.
Unesco viewing Wakatobi region as important area that must be protected because of Wakatobi potential natural resources, could support a population of millions and even billions.
Rabu, 07 Maret 2012
Turtle Eggs Transaction Prohibited
Police institution in Samarinda, East Borneo Province, prohibiting turtle eggs sell-buy transaction, authorities provide deadline up to March 18 for turtle egg sellers to stop their activities.
Turtles is a protected animal, according to No. 5 of 1990 Law of Natural Resources and Ecosystems Conservation.
Samarinda police chief, Prapto Arif Santoso, said the turles eggs for sale ban is an initiative from police institution, not because of pressure from any quarter.
Therefore, turtle eggs sale activities has violated applicable laws that concerning for natural resources and ecosystem conservation.
There is a tolerance time given to the egg sellers until March 18, just to give opportunity to sellers to spend their deposited turtle eggs. However, if they exceeds the time limit, the offender will immediately arrested and processed accordance by applicable rules.
In optimizing this prohibition, Samarinda police had socialized and send prohibition letter to egg seller for stoping turtle eggs buy-sell activities. There are some traders has signed a statement to fullfill ban time limit.
30 Thousands Mangroves Damaged by Mining Activities
Around 30 thousands of mangrove plants died in Banten Village, Kasemen District, serang Regency, Banten Province, caused by sea sand mining activity. Sand miner also suck up mud materials, which is important for mangroves to live.
Director of Rekonvasi Bumi, Rahardian, on Wednesday (3/7/12), confirmed that about 30 thousands of mangrove plants were damaged by sea sand mining activity.
This condition, added Rahardian, can not be allowed because mangroves is crucial to coastal communities. For example, without mangrove plants, coastal areas no longer protected from ocean waves ans abrasion will emerged.
Previously, there was no abrasion in that coastal areas, but since sand mining activity increased, coastal abrasion is prominent.
In fact, every high tide occur, sea water certainly flooded villager homes near the coastal areas. Especially when every west wind season.
One of Pulau Panjang resident, Cecep Syaiful Amin, said the mining activities have been around their coastal. In fact, sea sand mining is very close from the beach. He explain, sand mining activities is supposed to be 4 miles from coastal lines but it's not.
Senin, 05 Maret 2012
Company Dangerous Waste Near Villager Houses
Karawang Residents fret of hazardous and toxic wastes (B3) piles that allegedly committed by a company, PT Tenang Jaya Sejahtera.
They were worried about environment pollution that not only threatens human health, but also legal process for environmental crimes that never investigated thoroughly.
Karawang citizens unrest was revealed by Mulia Sejati villagers testimony, while giving a press conference at Indonesian Environmental Forum (Walhi) office, Jakarta, Sunday (3/4/12).
One of villager, Suryana, said the citizens unrest began to emerge after industrial wastes disposed at several locations around their village. Such as, coal industrial liquids and hospital liquids.
The dangerous hazardous waste were found at former quarry near their village. Suryana added, the water color is so black. They also found other waste landfill at their village location.
Approximately about 4 hectares wasted area that owned by PT Tenang Jaya Sejahtera company. The wasted area is near to some villager houses and rice fields..
Residents took initiative and bring wasted water samples for laboratory tests that conducted at Pasundan University.
The result is astonishing, because from BOD (Biochemical Oxygen Demand) and COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand) test results, wasted water samples is very dangerous, with 700 mg/l for BOD and 1,600 mg mg/l of COD watse.
While, based on West Java Governor Decree, No 6 of 1999, the limits standard of BOD and COD respectively 150 and 300.
University had already state that water samples is very dangerous.They more worried about village water supply may contaminated by B3 waste.
Residents drinking water source is from water-wells. Suryana can not imagine the dangerous waste consequences to his people health. May be, villager did not feel direct result right now, but 10 or 20 years in future it would.
Therefore, Karawang residents urged to local government and other authorities for take immediately decisive steps to the company.
Walhi representative, Pius Ginting, said that PT Tenang Jaya Lestari company did not have legal permitt for processing B3 waste.
Pius explain, only one company in Indonesia that allowed to hold, process, and utilize B3 waste, that is Prasada Pemusnah Limbah Indutri (PPLI).
Because of this, what PT Tenang Jaya Lestari company did in Karawang is a shortcut to reduce company costs.
When PT Tenang Jaya Lestari company using PPLI services, it means they must pay for the services. Rather than pay, Tenang Jaya Lestari company piled dangerous waste itself. Pius said that PT Tenang Jaya Lestari committed a seriuos environmental crime.
Pius ask West Java Police to performed legal process for PT Tenang Jaya Lestari company, as mandated by Protection and Environment Management Law, article 85 Paragraph 2 of No 32 of 2009.
Earthquake Hit Three Location a Day
Earthquakes hit three Indonesian different location in Monday (3/5/12). That is, Aceh, Bengkulu, dan Morotai Island.
Public Relations of National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB), Sutopo Purwo Nugroho, first quake hit Bengkulu with 5.5 Richter Magnitude (RM), at 06:17:05 GMT. Exact locations, 102.57 south latitude and 4.43 east longitude, with 15 Km depth.
Second earthquake with 5.5 magnitude measure occurred at 13:55 pm in the afternoon. With epicenter at 4.19 North latitude and 97.10 east longitude. The location is 31 km southeast from Central Aceh district with 10 Km depth.
While the third quake struck at 15:12 pm. With epicenter at 1.93 north latitude and 128.59 east longitude. Location is located 49 kilometers southeast of the Morotai island, Nort Maluku Province, with a depth of 10 km.
Although did not cause tsunami danger, Sutopo asking to community for constantly alert, considering Indonesia geographical located in disaster prone areas..
Bengkulu quake was felt at intensity of III MMI (weak) in Kepahiyang. Aceh quake was felt in II-III MMI in Banda Aceh, Meulaboh and Lhokseumawe.
Meanwhile, in North Maluku, Morotai District, community feel weak shocks of II-III MMI. According to Sutopo, citizens activity were normal.
Jumat, 02 Maret 2012
Gas Burst Phenomenon Continued to Emerged
Gas bursts phenomenon continued to occur in several area in Indonesia. This time, gas burst happened in the Gernas Village, Manding District, Polewali Mandar Regency, West Sulawesi Province, sulawesi Island. Dozens of gas burts emerged at nearby location.
Locals suspected that potential new gas burst will occur. Some residents, Saturday (3/3/12), are trying to plug a wood stick into nearby soil, and some flammable gas come out from the hole.
Rasimin, owner of the land, said dozens of gas burst source on his land has been closed because they feared fire from gas bursts will spread at the location.
Since the gas burst news had been outstanding by local and national media, curious residents began to come to the site. They just want to see gas jets from near distance.
Previously, gas burst phenomenon occur at Gugul Village, Tlanakan District, Pamekasan Regency, East Java Province, Madura Island. Local government urge to people for not take action outside their knowledge.
Other gas burst that mix with mud happen at Sangasanga District, East Borneo Province. Some of gas burst source also occur in Tolitoli, Central Sulawesi Province.
In Aceh Province, Sumatra Island, gas burst emerged at Masjid Baro Village, Samatiga District. Gas burst also happen in Wonosobo, Central Java Province.
Expert from geologist team still could not explain the certain cause of gas burst phenomenon. However, geologist suspected gas busts existence related to the earthquake event that often happened recently.
Five Millions Indonesian Fisherman Loss Job if Global Temperature Rised
The possibility of global temperature rised, could make approximately five millions Indonesian fishermen lose their livelihood.
Global warming issue is presented at Green Map Program launch on Indonesia University (UI) campus, Friday (03/03/2012). The program launch was attended by British Ambassador, Mark Canning, and UI rector, Gumilar R. Somantri.
The event followed by more than 300 participants from various universities in Jakarta, with speakers from National Council of Climate Change and United Kingdom (UK) Climate Change unit team in Indonesia.
Green Map illustrates how 4 degrees of global temperatures rise will impact to Southeast Asia. In Indonesia, this can lead to five million fishermens lose their catch.
Temparature increasing can causes warmer sea, which led to reduction of fisheries potential catches.
In agriculture, such as corn and rice, the global temperature warmer will led to five percent production decrease due to drought and potential saltwater intrusion in coastal agriculture.
Not only threatens with economic slump, global temperatures increase can also affect adversely to human health.
In health field, global temperature rise pushed the number of heat-related illnesses cases, including stress, stroke, and cardiovascular disorders.
Not only that, diseases with vector such as dengue and malaria also changing it attack location with longer transmission duration. Of course all the potential disasters can be avoided, if entire community working hard to performs green living movement with environmental friendly.
Palm Oil Expansion Continued in East Borneo
Palm oil plantations expansion is increasingly in East Borneo Province, including development of new factories for plam oil to produce Crude Palm Oil (CPO)
Another 10 factories to be built in East Borneo Province, with 27 factories already excise, so in near future there will be 37 palm oil factories operating.
Current 27 factories can produce CPO with 1,245 tons totaled capacity per hour.
Head of Business Department at East Borneo Plantation Service, Etnawati Usman, said with 10 new factories that will build in 2012, CPO production expects increased to 1,680 tons per hour.
Six new factories will built on Kutai Kerta Negara Regency, and one factory in each Paser Regency, East Kutai Regency, Berau Regency, and Bulungan Regency.
Apparently, it seems local government believed that palm oil existence helped economy development, although many environmental and social issue happened, palm oil expansion continue supported by government.
As for whole palm oil plantations in East Borneo Province, there are 330 companies with 203 Plantation Business Permits (IUP) in area about 2.58 millions hectares.
300,000 Tons Coal Ashes Threatens Environment
Coal ashes residue from Asam-asam Steam Power Plant combustion in Tanah Laut, South Borneo Province, feared will polluting environment.
Until now, Indonesian Electric State Company (PLN) South-Central Borneo Region, have not found the right solution to overcome the coal ashes problem that has reached more than 300,000 tons.
South-Central Borneo PLN General Manager, Yuddy Wicaksono, explained that the state company already offering coal ashes to ITP Tarjun cement company, but not succed. PLN, he continued, so far still pile up that coal ashes.
He promised to look for companies that want to cooperate in utilize the ash, such as produce coal ashes in to brick. About 300,000 tons of coal ash is piling up since steam power plant operating in 2000.
Asam-asam Power Plant is the largest power plant in South-Central Borneo region, it supplies 60 percent electrical energy for that region.
The 130 Megawatts (Mw) generator capacity consumes about 700,000 tons of coal a year, with ash combustion residu reached 85 tons per day.
Previously, Head of South Borneo Environment Agency (BLHD), Rahmadi Kurdi said, PLN's inability to manage coal ashes, causing that electrical company getting red assesment for four consecutive years.
This year BLHD will evaluating PLN again and if the results are bad then PLN will get sanctioned.
Kamis, 01 Maret 2012
Tangse Flood, Price of Greedy and Negligence
Flash Flood that hit Tangse District, Pidie Aceh Regency, Aceh province, last week. Suddenly, brings back memory of a year before it. A sad story from the same place.
Expensive melancholy story that occur by human negligence to learn and friendly with mother nature.
Dark Twilight set upon millions of drizzles at Blang Maloe Village, Tangse District. Mud layer that covered the road was wet again, hundreds wood logs still scattered after flood that hit Tangse two nights ago.
In a refugee tent, behind the village clinic building, Nurbaiti (52) leaning with restless. Together with 20 other refugees, she lie down on wet plastic mattresses, the cold was biting on that dewy evening .
Nurbaiti explain, they are already two days sleep in the refugee tent. There was no blanket, but they must accept this condition because they have no where alse to go anymore.
With her four family members, Nurbaiti fled only carrying clothes on her body.Everything is gone, said Nurbaiti stammered.
Nurbaiti not alone, there are 18 families at that village who lost their homes because of Tangse floods.
Not only lost their homes and possessions. Dozens of families had to give up their cocoa and rice fields that destroyed by floods. Hundreds of people lost their livelihoods.
Tangse flood disaster seem like Dejavu for some villager. Less then a year ago, five villages in that district was hit hard by a devastated flood. Nine people were killed, dozens injured, 328 homes destroyed, 210 hectares plantations were destroyed.
The event is only about 1 kilometer from current disaster, on the same path, with a similar damage pattern, destruction on watersheds, hundreds wood logs slide which flows along the mud, sand, and thousands cubic meters of rocks.
Almost a year ago after flood hit Tangse, Governor of Aceh at that time, Irwandi Yusuf, said that he will take firm action against the illegal logging perpetrators in Tangse.
Flood, were believed the result from forrest destruction caused by illegal logging activity at Tangse upstream watershed.
Governoor states is just rubish promise. No law enforcement to illegal logging perpetrators, damage continued at upstream. Illegal logging on Tangse and Geumpang hills almost unimpaired.
Along Tangse watershed, almost hard to find hard land that stands intact. Hills with 30 degrees slopes have been partially converted to deforested fields.
Indeed, its too early to states that environment destruction as the single cause for flood disaster.
However, piles of wood logs carried by flood, seems to be an indisputable fact that illegal logging damaging Tangse upstream watershed.
One of villager, Jafarudin (35), revealed that illegal logging is not a secret for people in Tangse. Hundreds of sawmill still operating in that region. Not known for clearly, from where they actually took their wood suply.
The market logic is more prominent, clearing the Tangse forest for timber seemed reasonable. This is ironic.
Instead, A series of natural disasters with massive loss in Aceh Province occur during the logging moratorium policy was announced five years ago.
Aceh Environment Foum (Walhi) noted, 46 floods occurred in Aceh on 2007, on 2008 increased to 170 events, 2009 rose to 213 events, and on 2010 increased again to 250 events.
Director of Aceh Walhi, TM Zukfikar, said that the disasters that Walhi noted not include forest fires, wildlife conflicts, and landslides.
Tangse is just one portrait of how a damaged environment has great potential to bring great disaster. From Walhi data, rate of deforestation in Pidie region at the last five years has been quite high, reaching over 1,000 acres,an average could reach 200 to 400 acres per year.
The damage can occur by various factors, including illegal logging, encroachment, forrest conversion to plantation lands, and also due to the exploration and exploitation process of mines that prevalent at Piddie region.
On the other hand, both central and local governments role are too weak to overcome the problem. Contrary, amid the increasing of natural disasters threats due to environmental damage, hundreds of plantation and mining permits were issued by local governments.
Aceh Provincial Government through the Head of Bappeda Aceh, Iskandar, acknowledged the problems on environmental management in Aceh.
This problem caused by the absence of area spatial structure agreed between the Provincial and Regency levels. Iskandar expect, within the next six months area spatial strukture can be completed.
Spatial structure is very important. But, is it not local governments and law enforcement authorities also have another mechanisms to keep forest from destruction? They seem to be negligent. Unfortunately, that negligence must be paid by people that suffering from the disaster.
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