Jumat, 02 Maret 2012

Gas Burst Phenomenon Continued to Emerged

Gas bursts phenomenon continued to occur in several area in Indonesia. This time, gas burst happened in the Gernas Village, Manding District, Polewali Mandar Regency, West Sulawesi Province, sulawesi Island. Dozens of gas burts emerged at nearby location.

Locals suspected that potential new gas burst will occur. Some residents, Saturday (3/3/12), are trying to plug a wood stick into nearby soil, and some flammable gas come out from the hole.

Rasimin, owner of the land, said dozens of gas burst source on his land has been closed because they feared fire from gas bursts will spread at the location.

Since the gas burst news had been outstanding by local and national media, curious residents began to come to the site. They just want to see gas jets from near distance.

Previously, gas burst phenomenon occur at Gugul Village, Tlanakan District, Pamekasan Regency, East Java Province, Madura Island. Local government urge to people for not take action outside their knowledge.

Other gas burst that mix with mud happen at Sangasanga District, East Borneo Province. Some of gas burst source also occur in Tolitoli, Central Sulawesi Province.

In Aceh Province, Sumatra Island, gas burst emerged at Masjid Baro Village, Samatiga District. Gas burst also happen in Wonosobo, Central Java Province.

Expert from geologist team still could not explain the certain  cause of gas burst phenomenon. However, geologist suspected gas busts existence related to the earthquake event that often happened recently.

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