Minggu, 11 Maret 2012

President Regulation made 3.32 Million Hectares Borneo Deforestation

Indonesian President Regulation, No. 3 of 2012, on Borneo Island Land Use Plan allegedly able to deforesting about 3.32 million hectares of Central Borneo Province forest. Invironmental NGOs urge for immediately review on the President Regulation.

Director of Indonesian Forest Watch (FWI), Hapsoro, on Saturday (3/10/12), said that government should review this regulation before it can make forest destruction widespread.

Hapsoro explain, President Regulation removes the status of Limited Production Forest (HPT) in State Forest Zone.

According to him, HPT status loses implies to more serious threat of deforestation in Central Borneo Province.

NGOs analysis discover about 3.32 million hectares of Central Borneo Province forest will vanish if President Regulation not reviewed. This areas previosly categorized as a Limited Production Forest (HPT).

Based on reports released in July 2011, FWI reveal that Central Borneo Province is province with the highest deforestation rate in Indonesia.

At least, he added, about 2 million hectares of Central Borneo forest have been lost in 2000 - 2009 period.

Forest loss occurred in almost all types of forest ecosystems, including 490 thousand hectares of peatland forest ecosystem.

FWI already delivering the massive scale of Central Borneo forest destruction occurrences to government, but a few months later government aggravate Central Borneo forest condition through No. 3 of 2012 Presiden Regulation.

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