Jumat, 02 Maret 2012

Palm Oil Expansion Continued in East Borneo

Palm oil plantations expansion is increasingly in East Borneo Province, including development of new factories for plam oil to produce Crude Palm Oil (CPO)

Another 10 factories to be built in East Borneo Province, with 27 factories already excise, so in near future there will be 37 palm oil factories operating.

Current 27 factories can produce CPO with 1,245 tons totaled capacity per hour.

Head of Business Department at East Borneo Plantation Service, Etnawati Usman, said with 10 new factories that will build in 2012, CPO production expects increased to 1,680 tons per hour.

Six new factories will built on Kutai Kerta Negara Regency, and one factory in each Paser Regency, East Kutai Regency, Berau Regency, and Bulungan Regency.

Apparently, it seems local government believed that palm oil existence helped economy development, although many environmental and social issue happened, palm oil expansion continue supported by government.

As for whole palm oil plantations in East Borneo Province, there are 330 companies with 203 Plantation Business Permits (IUP) in area about 2.58 millions hectares.

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