Rabu, 29 Februari 2012

Javan Eagle Habitat Loss

Environmental damage to nature on Java Island center part, potentially separating the Javan Hawk-Eagle (Spizaetus Bartelsi) population habitat in the western and eastern part of Java Island. This situation is feared threatened eagle population that only 325 pairs left.

Chairman of Indonesia Raptor, Rakhman Zaini said, with the loss of Javan hawk-eagle population corridor, those predator birds habitat will be more narrow.

This could lead to inbreeding occurrence that could potentially reduce the durability and quality of Javan hawk-eagle offspring.

About 75 percent of Javan hawk-eagle lives in the forest, so that animal is highly dependent on the forest. Javan hawk-eagle food is also typical, which is endemic animals such as mice.

Now, the forest in central Java more narrow. For example, forest area around Mount Merapi slopes that first inhabited by 12 pairs of Javan hawk-eagle is now only remaining five eagle.

Forests destruction on Mount Merapi slopes because of Merapi eruption in 2010 resulting hawks migratory.

Zaini explained, from about 311 kinds of hawks, there are 75 species that lives in Indonesia.

Javan Hawk-Eagle, with it unik form, topknot on the head, believed to be Garuda eagle that  chosen by nation founders as Indonesia State Symbol.

Largest hunting

According to Zaini, at least there are three main factors causing Javan Hawk-eagle declined,which is wildlife illegal trading or selling, habitat destruction and pesticide use

Illegal trade/sell is the major cause for Javan Hawk-eagle declining (53 percent) followed by habitat destruction (42.3 percent) and the use of pesticides (4.7 percent).

Ownership of Javan hawk-eagle is still very high. In Yogyakarta alone there are about 40 different kinds of protected eagles, but maintained illegally..

Javan hawk-eagle population growth is very slow, only about 22 pairs for a year. Hawk population is quite slow because Javan hawk-eagle is only able to spawn one egg every two to three years.

Chairman of Yogyakarta Nature Conservation Foundation, Gusti Kanjeng Ratu Pembayun, appealed to illegal owner of Javan Hawk-eagle, for immediately returning the eagle to appropriate authorities. Within the next 20 years, extinction rate of Javan hawk-eagle is 20 percent reached.

Endangered Aceh Sea Turtles

Coordinator of Sahabat Laut Indonesia, Ratno Sugito, said that sea turtle populations in Aceh Province waters is continue to decline.

Aceh Turtles are threatened to extinction due to rampant poaching by people and turtle eggs  fail to staging.

Every year, Ratno said, on Wednesday (2/29/12), various types of sea turtle populations continue to decline between 20 to 30 percent. For that, Aceh Sea Turtles need attention from all elements, both society and government.

Ratno who is also Coordinator for Turtle Monitoring Network Team, said that before tsunami hit aceh in December 26, 2004, Aceh has large area for turtles egg laying. However, the area is reduced since the tsunami.

At present, with masive poaching, the existence of sea turtles in Aceh increasingly threatened.

Based on Kuala Network monitoring, there are three types of turtles that nesting  in Pasie Lange,  leatherback turtles, Green turtles and Hawksbill turtle.

About 20 years ago up to 10 turtle sires that lay eggs, but now only two to three sires. Ratno worried, for next 5-10 years that area will not be visited by sea turtles again.

Currently, there are seven species of sea turtles in Indonesian waters territorial, leatherback turtle (Dermochelys coriacea), Green Turtle (Chelonia mydas), Flatt Turtle (Natator depressus), Hawksbill Turtle(Eretmochelys imbricata), Jar Turtle (Caretta Caretta) and Dark/Pseudo Scales Turtle (Lepidochelys Olivacea).

Ratno urge to importance need for stoping masive turtles poaching and turtle eggs, to maintain the existence of these animals.

Selasa, 28 Februari 2012

EU Ask Indonesian Palm Oil Industry Noticed Environmental Issue

The European Union (EU) expecting  Indonesian palm oil industry can pay attention to handle environmental problems.

This expectation is also supported by businessmen who are members in Indonesian Commerce and Industry Chamber (Kadin).

EU Ambassador to Indonesia, Julian Wilson, at Agri-Business Sustainable Palm Oil, in Jakarta, Wednesday (29/02/2012), said that CPO (crude palm oil) is a major industry for Indonesia. Europeans also like palm oil products, and one of Indonesia's largest market.

But Europe recognize there are environmental impacts from this industry. So EU hope the industry grow at the same time can handle environmental issues.

He heard, there is a company engaged in palm oil industry who have made methane capture from palm oil processing. The result is companies can save on energy cost while reducing greenhouse emissions.

Julian hope that Indonesian CPO industry able to multiply these examples, then greening their industry while maintaining their profitability.

Meanwhile, Vice Chairman Environment and Climate Change of Indonesian Kadin, Shinta Kamdani, said the business community could see a great opportunity from green investments.

Commerce and Industry Chamber, she added, welcomed government to support business people in Indonesia for made that transition.

Greenhouse Emissions Worsening in North Sumatra

Over 2.2 million units motor vehicles in North Sumatra (Sumut) Province, is the biggest contributor to greenhouse gas emissions which contribute to environmental pollution in that province.

Head of North Sumatra Enviromental Agency (BLH), Hidayati, in Medan, Tuesday (28/2/12), said that in addition to 2,284,404 motor vehicles, the presence of 1,600 industrial activities and 498 land fires contributed to worsening North Sumatra environmental condition.

Similarly, the existence of domestic waste is estimated at 7,800 tons a day. According to him, with population about 13 million people in North Sumatra, produce 0.6 kilogram garbage per person a day.

In addition, the presence of 1.7 million hectares of palm oil plantations in North Sumatra is estimated potentially produce 8.7 billion tons of substance that equivalent with carbon dioxide (CO2) a year.

Nationally, it is estimated dust particles will be increased up to 20 times in 2018 if nothing is done to change fundamental existence of greenhouse gas emissions.

North Sumatra it self, said Hidayati, implementing a number of policies, including in increasing surface water quality in Asahan River, Deli River, and Belawan River. Ecosystem consevation on Toba Lake, as well as East Coast and West Coast.

Four Orangutans Reintroduction in Bukit Batikap

Borneo Orangutan Survival Foundation (BOSF) in cooperation with the Ministry of Forestry, Central Borneo Province Government, Murung Raya Regency and Natural Resources Conservation Center (BKSDA), released 4 Orangutans (Pongo Pygmaeus), on Tuesday (2/28/2012) .

The Four Pongo is part of the 40 Pongos that were rehabilitated and will released in 2012. The Pongos reintroduction in Batikap Protected Forest Area, in Central Borneo.

This release finally realized after can not be implemented all this time because of Central Borneo Orangutan Reintroduction Program Nyaru Menteng constraints by the lack of available forest land.

Director of BOSF, Jamartin Sitihe, confirmed that After this release, at the end of March 2012 his foundation will released  12 Orangutans

Jamartin warned, based on Orangutan Conservation Action Plan 2007-2017, all Orangutans in rehabilitation centers have to reintroduction in 2015.

Currently, there are 600 orangutans are left at the rehabilitation center. He said that commitment is needed to provide land and cost for supporting the program.

113 Toxic Waste Containers Re Exported

A total of 113 containers of scrap metal that contaminated by B3 waste (hazardous and toxic materials) ready to be re-exported to the origin country, UK and Netherlands.

Deputy Legal Compliance Ministry of Environment, Sudariyono, in Jakarta, Tuesday (2/28/12), said that the 113 containers re-export just waiting for the court decision and re-export approval from the origin country.

Sudariyono said law process already running, they have call four witnesses from PT HHS that importing the containers, two of which already meet the call.

Witnesses called for find out whether or not they knew about the contents of the container or there is any foul play.

Customs investigators conduct investigations to obtain evidence through laboratory analysis, and then ask for evidence determination from the courts.

The next step is up to the prosecutor's, outhorities expected the files completed soon and ready for prosecution. Sudariyono added, his ministry is targeting individual and corporate.

A total of 113 containers from the UK and Netherlands held at the Tanjung Priok Port because it contains a mix of soil and metal scrap with B3 waste.

Based on these findings, importers are violating Law of Protection and Environmental Management.

Under the terms of the Act, the offender may subject to minimum sentence of five years and a maximum of 15 years jail, with a minimum fine of IDR 5 billion and a maximum of  IDR 15 billion.

Enviromental NGOs Activities Threatned

Coordinator of Students Alliance,Rudy Gani, reject foreign NGOs, especially in the environmental field. He said enviromental NGOs should be frozen because it always discrediting Indonesian nation.

Rudy states, on Tuesday (2/28/12), that NGOs based in the Netherlands always intended to undermine sovereignty of Indonesian Homeland and destroying national economy.

For that, he hoped the Ministry of Interior (Kemdagri) as representatives of Indonesian government to freeze foreign NGOs in order not to perform activities in Indonesia.

Students Alliance regreted why the government has not cracked down on foreign NGOs. Though many times Indonesian President admonished foreign NGOs not to interfere in Indonesia sovereignty.

He was disappointed in the government apparatus particularly Kemendagri, Foreign Ministry and Kemenkumham are not able to translate severe warning from president into action and measurable.

Earlier, President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono speech in front of 128 ambassadors and representatives of international organizations, said that the boycott for Indonesian palm oil plantations because destroying environmental is considered to be unfair treatment.

"There is issue of palm oil, I hear there is a kind of boycott, against palm oil plantations. That's not fair, because we live in a global arena must and must be fair, said the head of state.

Yudhoyono said, to prohibit no palm plantation when it has economic benefits. That's not a good option.

Rudy said that the most frequently boasted to discrediting Indonesia in international world wide is foreign NGO Greenpeace.

Rudy that also Chairman of Badko Jabotabeka HMI, said the issue of environmental protection, which Greenpeace campaigned in Indonesia is only a mask.

Because, he added, in reality it just their black campaign, the United States refused Indonesian palm oil.

He Urge the government should not hesitate to dissolve and freeze Greenpeace. If the government is still in doubt, as a nation element Students Alliance ready to guard it.

Alliance Students team that reject foreign such as Badko Jabotabeka HMI, LISUMA Jakarta, Pusaka Indonesia, BEM RI, and IMIKI already copied the statement an to be forwarded to President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono and Vice President Boediono.

Rudy also explained, on Monday (2/27/12) they meet the Minister of Home Affairs Gamawan Fauzi and ask for Greenpeace freezed.
Enviromental NGOs Threatened

Previously, legal observers from the University of Indonesia (UI), Darmono Budi, said the government should be able to filter out foreign NGOs which bring benefits and which brings harm.

He emphasized that foreign NGOs definitely give priority to foreign interests, not Indonesia. For that Indonesian need to be alert for foreign NGOs.

The government should firmly crack down on foreign NGOs that adversely to Indonesia, he said.

Minggu, 26 Februari 2012

Fishermen Suffered Because of Mines Waste

Lives is to difficult for fishermen on eastern shores of Bangka Island, Bangka Belitung Province, since alot of tin mines with floating suction vessel operating in the coastal areas.

Their incomes fall dramatically due to reduced catches, while operating costs increased because they have to go to even further far sea.

This condition is triggered by damaged that happen to coast because of the waste from suction floating boats mines.

Fishermen from Teluk Uber Village, Sungailiat District, Bangka regency, Rosihan (48) said that fishermen incomes in the area dropped to only 30 percent over the last few years. Usually, they are able to obtain an average catch of 7 - 10 kilograms (Kg) of fish, but now only an average of 4 kg of fish.    

Some times, he explain on Sunday (2/26/12), they even get loss because their catch does not cover the capital for buy gasoline and supplies.

The fishermen in that area must also go out to farther sea, so the cost is increased. About seven years ago, fishermen just go to 3-4 miles from sea shores to get a plentiful catch. But now they have go up to 10 miles to catch a lot less. .    

According to Rosihan, the increasing of murky waters that happen on eastern coast of Bangka is caused by waste from tin mines suction ships that operate about 1-2 miles from the coast. As a result, the fish are getting away into the ocean.

A number of marine commodities are now extremely rare, because the fish homes, coral reefs, is disappear or dying because of the mines.

Mud and sand waste were continuously spurt from mines floating suction vessel that damaged coral reefs. In fact, the coral reef is home to a number of marine life and place for the fish spawn.

Only about 300 thousands Indonesian Rupiahs that tin mines compensate to fishermen every three months. Rosihan said the compensation do not cover their loss income.

Other fishermen, Akong (44), said the shrimp are usually a lot in along the coast from July to August, but for the last two years it no longer exists. And Crab catch is usually in the month of November to December was just half.

In fact, shrimp and crab is a source of income for the fishermen when they could not go to sea because of high waves. Shrimp and crab are fished with nets set along the shoreline.

July to August and November to December is now really a bad season for the fishermen. They are in debt just for survival of their family.

Hundreds of fishermen on the east coast of Bangka usually start go to sea at 04.00 AM at dawn and returned at 13.00 PM. They selling their fishs to traders who have been waiting for their catch on the beach. This is the life they have known since childhood and struggled for generations.

Ocean is the only source that always giving livelihood for them. Now, the fishermen were also felt the pain that covered by sea.

Jumat, 24 Februari 2012

Pamekasan Gas Wells Easy to Burn

Gas burst in Gugul Village, Tlanakan District, Pamekasan Regency, East Java Province, Continued to become publik attention.

Field Research Agency of Observation and Investigation of Volcanology from Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation Bandung, Carried out observation to the gas source point. By using a special measuring tool, the content available on the gas burst can be detected.

Ugan Sin, from field observations, friday (2/24/14), said the methane content of the gas is excess to 100 percent with 1.3 percent oxygen content. That means, harmful to residents around the gas point, especially if there is a fire spark in two meters distance.

With high content methane, gas can be burned directly when there is a fire spark. In addition, the oxygen content is also harmful to health.

Field observator also said, If the gas inhaled directly from two meters distance, it can cause shortness breath and dizziness.

To this day, jets of gas that erupted on Monday (2/13/2012), has begun to shrink. But this time gas burst mixed with water and mud. The gas burst quite small because the pressure shrinkage.

Meanwhile, based on laboratory test results from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, that had brought mud samples from the location. State the mud give no harm.

Chief of Pamekasan Regency, Kholilurrahman, also reliefed as researcher state that bursts of gas and mud not harmful. Nevertheless, he asked people to be vigilant.

Kolilurrahman urge people, not take action outside of his knowledge, for example, flowing the gas into homes before considering its negative impact.

Small Holes Phenomenon on Merapi Lava Crater

Team from Yogyakarta Volcano Investigation and Technology Development Center (BPPTK)discover a new phenomenon, many tiny holes formed in Mount Merapi crater.

The holes filled with water in Merapi lava crater plug. These holes diameter about five meters and located on the surface lava plug with reached 150 meters depth. The hottest holes temperature.reached 540 Celsius degrees.

Based on the photographs obtained by Yogyakarta BPPTK team, on Wednesday (2/23/12), there are three water-filled holes in the Merapi lava plug. Earlier, Mount Merapi has never had a crater so deep and filled with water.

Head of  Yogyakarta BPPTK, Subandriyo, explain that the emergence of this new phenomenon is closely related to Mount Merapi increasing seismic activity.

He added, there are two possibilities that may form tiny holes in the lava plug. First, the holes appear because there is an accumulation of pressure under the lava plug which led to cracks. Second, the holes may arise due small phreatic eruption of the interaction of rain with hot water from the crater.

Merapi crater after 2010 eruption is very different to the previous situation. Current crater depth is 150 meters with top diameter around 400 meters and base diameter about 300 meters.

Subandriyo said, the crater has an opening that leads to the south with a diameter between 400 to 500 meters. If at any time Mount Merapi eruption again, it does not erupt to the west but southern..

Mount Merapi 2010 eruption change the shape of the crater.  Historically, the eruption of Merapi in 2010 had a pattern similar to the last eruption in 1872.

Since two weeks ago, there is increased on Merapi seismic activity, and seismic activity of Merapi began to fall on Saturday, where shallow volcanic earthquake was recorded 35 times, multiphase 47 times, and then a one time avalanches.

It calm down on Sunday with 15 shallow volcanic earthquakes, 24 multiphase times, one miscarriage, and two tectonic earthquakes.

New species, Short-Legged Rainbow Lizard

A new species of lizard with rainbow colored skin, short legs, and long tail is found in Cambodia.

The species is named Lygosoma Veunsaiensis, according to the lizard habitat place name, Veun Sai-Siem Pang conservation.

The lizard was found in a remote area in 2010 by Flora & Fauna International (FFI) team and Conservation International.

Reptile expert form FFI, Neang Thy, explain that the creatures are hard to find because they spend much time underground.

Some of the new species is known only from a few individuals. Neang feel lucky to find it.

This species is unique because the lizard has short legs and a tail that longer than its body. Her skin has scales that can refract light so that it looks as colorful as a rainbow.

This discovery proves that Veun Sai conservation full with biodiversity. Lygosoma Veunsaiensis is the third new species found in that region after a species of bats and one gibbon species found some time ago.

Kamis, 23 Februari 2012

illegal Logging Caused Flash Flood

Flash floods that hit the Simpang Alahan Mati District and Tigo Nagari District in Pasaman Regency, West Sumatra Province (Sumbar), occurs due environmental damage at upstream areas.

Indonesia Environment Forum (Walhi) of Sumbar,  suspect that the damage caused by illegal logging activity.

Sumbar Walhi director, Khalid Saifullah said based on the results checks on the field, a lot of wood logs are founded. He strongly suspect the flash floods is due to illegal logging activities.

Khalid urged local governments to serious and increasing concern to all areas in West Sumatra that are prone to landslides and flash floods. This issue should be investigated and acted upon.

Meanwhile, Manager of Operations Control Center  of Disaster Management ,Ade Edward, in a press release stating, disaster on Wednesday (2/22/12) afternoon came after high intensity rainfall.

He explain that water debit blocked by timbers material that cultivated at hill areas. Wood material residu originally made no smooth flow for river water.

Because water is greater, the material eventually becomes a flash flood that swept away.

Nagari Simpang in the District of Simpang Alahan Mati is the area worst hit by flash floods.

Waste Threaten Water Resourch

Natural Resources Conservation Center  Bengkulu Province threaten waste perpetrators  around the area of nature reserves, in particular Lake's Dendam Tak Sudah of Bengkulu, to be prosecuted.

The center still making efforts to wrote the Parks and Hygiene Department to improve waste management systems in the area, said Head of Natural Resources Conservation Center Administration (BKSDA), Supartono, in Bengkulu Bengkulu province on Thursday (2/23/12).

Piles of trash, if left unchecked will threaten ecosystems, endangered fish species in the lake. Dendam Tak Sudah is the only freshwater lake in the city of Bengkulu.

Lake area were threatened because of piles of garbages  near the lake that only about 10 meters from the edge of the lake locations.

If heavy rain falls, the waste likely to flow into the lake so it would contaminate the lake water.

Gas Conversion Seminar

Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) held a seminar on conversion of gas to motor vehicles, Thursday (2/23/2012). Besides aiming to give an understanding about the conversion of gas, the seminar was a moment of cooperation for ITB with the National Geological Bureau.

The seminar was titled "Conversion Gas for Motor Vehicles: Optimizing Fuel and Gas price.

Attending the seminar is Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources, Widjajono Partowidagdo.

ITB Rector, Akhmaloka , said that research on alternative energy has been done, but only ended up in the laboratory.

The results, he added,  are difficult to market because the price does not compete with subsidized gasoline.

Seminar in conjunction with the signing of a memorandum of understanding between National Geological Bereau and ITB on improving human resources through students research .

Ice Rains Hit Kepanjen

Heavy rains accompanied by hail hit parts of Kepanjen, Malang regency, East Java Province, on Thursday (2/23/2012) afternoon. Not only accompanied by hail, rain was accompanied by lightning and storm winds.

These conditions make people panic and rushing for shelter. visibility very shorter due to heavy rain.

This phenomenaon occurred since 14.30 pm. The freezes ice crystals that drop with the rain is sized corn seed.

According to Head of the Observation Meteorology and Geophysics (BMKG) Karangploso, Malang Regency, Rahmatullah Adjie, the occurrence of hail from the gathering of cumulonimbus clouds (CB).

CB clouds gathering shed to be rainy. If that happens then potential for storms and lightning to occur.

According to Adjie, CB clouds will form a very stable air mass. Cumulonimbus clouds will cut off the top of the dome, similar to the towering clouds.

The characteristics of CB cloud is vertically striped. Characteristics, with torrential rain will fall.

Because of the sun heat radiation. Finally, clouds created crystal that lowered until it came the hail phenomenon, he explained.

Furthermore Adjie said, hail usually do not last for a long time. About 10-20 minutes. Serious impact on motorists due to limited visibility.

Adjie hope Kepanjen District residents not to panic. Because the hail will not be long.

Grains of ice crystals do seem scattered in a number of houses in the Kepanjen area Kepanjen. People said that the sound could be heard when hail hit the asbestos roof of the house.

Forcest Warned for Dry Season

Indonesian Bureau of Meteorology and Geophysics (BMKG) stated that, majority of dry season in Indonesia will begin in May.

Further analysis showed that the nature of the rainfall in 2012 dry season happen in several different parts of Indonesia.

In general, from the 342 Climate Zones (ZOM) in Indonesia, most (194 ZOM) have normal rainfall nature. Such as North Sulawesi,  Banten, and part of North Sumatra.

However, some regions have the property that above normal rainfall and below normal. Some areas that have above-normal rainfall properties include some of Riau, West Java in part, some of Nusa Tenggara and the majority of Sulawesi.

Dr Widada Sulistya DEA, the Deputy of BMKG, in a press conference on Thursday (2/23/2012), said, to watch out for areas that have below-normal rainfall properties. Especially area for agriculture.

There is 29 ZOM with below normal rainfall. This region including the eastern part of North Sumatra, West Java in part of central and southern, in south Central Java and western  and central Yogyakarta.

BMKG head, Sri Woro B Hardjono, reveals that the BMKG forecasts could be considered for related parties, including the Ministry of Agriculture and farmers, to develop the best strategies in agriculture.

However, he cautioned that the forecasts are made is still in a period of 6 months.For Daily situation, because the complexity of weather and climate system, can only be predicted 3-4 days in advance.

Selasa, 21 Februari 2012

Hidden Agenda Behind Palm Oil Plantation?

Executive Director of the Indonesian Forum for Environment (Walhi) in West Borneo Province, Anton P Widjaya, suspected massive expansion of palm oil plantations in West Kalimantan lately. He suspected, it's a hidden agenda to stealing the mine deposit.

Moreover, in Indonesia only West Kalimantan Province which has uranium deposits . There is a strong correlation between the expansion about 1.5 million  hectares of palm oil plantations with reached 625 mining permits in West Kalimantan, Anton said, Tuesday (21/2/12)

Because, after the land occupied by palm oil plantations, than difficult to access what are they really doing in that area.

He explains, the right to cultivate the plantation for 30 years in hand of palm oil corporation, can be extended twice for a total acquisition of land by one company can reach 90 years.

In a span of 90 years, who can monitor one at a plantation owned license, Anton added.

1.711 Tons Zircons Seized by Police

Special Criminal Investigation Directorate and the Police Department of West Kalimantan Province, seized 1.711 tons of zircon sand from Ketapang Regency. Tons of Zircon founded in eight warehouses scattered in several places in Ketapang.

Head of Police Public Relations,  Adjutant Senior Commissioner Mukson Munandar, Tuesday (02/21/2012), said the current case was still under police investigation.

Zircon is owned by several people, but from joint operation know that there is one actor who was found to have two warehouses. Warehouse is actually licensed. They also have a site license, but police still see search for the truth, said Mukson.

He added, that the mine was from the wild quarry. The police are still gathering new evidence to establish a number of suspects. If there is strong evidence, the owner of the warehouse will be snared using Mineral and Coal Law.

Zircon is a mine material that is often used for ceramics materials and electronic components. However, some countries that importing zircon from Indonesia managed to unpack it to get some containing radioactive compounds.

Borer Caterpillar Attacking Crops

Four hectares of rice crops in Ciburuy Block, Cibadak Distric, Lebak Regancy, Banten Province, attacked by borer caterpillars that threatened crop failure to harvest for March to April season in 2012.

Most of the rice crop in poor condition due to caterpillar attack, said Lebak Head of Food Crops  Production and Horticulture Department of Agriculture, Yuntani, in Rangkasbitung, Tuesday (2/21/12).

Their outhority continues to control and prevent this attack by spraying pesticides, feared that 50 hectares other rice crops will faced same pests threat.

Despite of caterpillar attack, he said, it is not the stage for worrying because it still under  the threshold and can also be handled by pest control officers in the field.

During this time, the weather is often rainy and get humid temperatures, so pests like caterpillar, aphis chocolate bars, and mice, potential to stright on villager crops. They has asked  farmers to aware of these pests.

Lebak Department of Agriculture already donated pesticides drugs for the farmers that his crops attacked by pests.

Mount Merapi Activity Descanding

seismic activity of Mount Merapi, Center Java Province, in the last two days is tracked down, although since the beginning of February an increase in seismic activity is quite significant.

In the past two days, Merapi is very quiet. Seismic activity is not visible, although since the beginning of February occurs some significant increase in seismic.

Earthquake reached 35 times per day, and multiphase earthquakes recorded even up to 43 times per day, said the Head of Volcanic Investigation and Technological Development (BPPTK) Subandriyo, on Tuesday (2/21/12)

According to him, though at the beginning of February an increase in seismic activity and now have declined, it may still be considered normal given the mountain that located on the border of Central Java and Yogyakarta is an active volcano.

Increased seismic activity at the beginning of February which was then followed by a decline activity since the last two days, further Subandriyo, is possible because of the gas release prosses from the mountain.

Subandriyo added, when the gas release but the mountain blocked it, accumulation of pressure resulting in fracture. That triggered the emergence of a shallow earthquake. And after the gas escaped, seismic activity was not there anymore.

Mount Lokon Erupted Twice

Mount Lokon in Tomohon, North Sulawesi Province, erupted again at 11:52 PM with subsequent eruptions at 11:56 PM, Tuesday (02/21/2012). However, this eruption not as big as before.

volcanic ash of the eruptionis is not visible. Just some rumble sound from the crater, said the Volcano Observator, Jemmy Runtuwene.

Six hours before the eruption, according to Jemmy, about 115 earthquakes have been recorded.

When totaled since earthquake activity increased  from Monday at 16.00 AM, about  400's earthquake its happen.

villagers that closest to the Mount Lokon crater, such as the Village Kinilow I, Kinilow, and Kakaskasen I, North Tomohon District, also heard the roar from mount Tomohon.

Senin, 20 Februari 2012

Elephant VS Human

Villager in District Onsoi Tulin, Nunukan Regency, East Borneo Province, felt frustrated due to conflict with the elephants in the last few years. They hope for immediately action from outhorities to handle this problem.

Elephants are often entered into the village in district Onsoi Tulin, The big animal destroying their crops, such as rice and corn corps, also destroyed villager palm oil plantation.

They said that an elephant able to destroy corps in short time, two hectares of palm oil plantation may ruin in just one hour.

According to village residents, in Kalunsayan, they have seen about 20 elephants in nearest woods.

People ask for district and provincial goverment of  East Borneo to deal with the elephants as soon as possible, in order to capture the elephants and  returning the animal to their habitat.

Outhorities is expected immediately to set up monitoring post for Tulin Onsoi elephant. Placing staff from Forestry Agency and World Wildlife Foundation (WWF) in that area.

For able to handle  the elephants continually, goverment must budgeted some operating cost for handling Borneo elephants.

Villagers also demanding for cash compensation from goverment for their loss, damage on their corps and plantation.

Indigenous Fight For Lands

Since the turbulent events that occurred in Mesuji Lampung and Bima NTB, agrarian conflict continue to flow. This time, the Alliance of Sinama Nenek Indigenous Peoples (Amdas) coming from Kampar, Riau Province, visited the Ministry of State Owned Enterprises office to protest.

They demanded that the lands are annexed by state company, PT Nusantara Plantation V (PTPN V) covering an area of 2.800 hectares, since 1994, immediately returned.

Demonstration coordinator, Taufik Syarkawi, said that their 2.800 hectares communal land has been seized by PTPN V since 1994.

Taufik told that PTPN V under the State Owned Enterprises came into Kampar regency in 1990, and opened 14.537 hectares land for palm oil plantations.

However,  land clearing that conducted by company is not approved by the villager. Since then, the relationship between villager and PTPN V becomes strained.

Most of the indegenuos farms land, he added, had been annexed by PTPN V without permission or proper compensation.

And than, in 1994, PTPN V again be taking over an area of 2.800 hectares of indegenous land.

In fact, Taufik said, their land is inherited from generation to generation and become the backbone to support the community's economy.

PTPN V also allegedly hiring the security forces (military and police) to force people out of their own land.

The state company with the security use brutal policy at that time forced natives people to get out from their own land. Their homeland that have been inherited and managed since hundreds of years ago.

Various attempts to reclaim the land has been made by indigenous community, but all attempts failed to reclaim their rights.

Local parliament and local goverment even issued a harsh rebuke to PTPN V , in order for company to returning of 2.800 hectares of land to indigenous community. But that rebuke being ignored by PTPN V.

According to Taufik,  joint team that formed by Governor of Riau and Riau provincial parliament, involving Kampar local government, states that the 2.800 hectares of land is owned by the Sinama Nenek Indigenous Community.

PTPN V it self has acknowledged the findings by the joint team, but so far they are not willing to move.

Taufik added, if within 3 days their lands is not returned by PTPN V, Indigenous community will take over the land by force, though bloodshed occur.

Tens of Thousands Hectares For Sugar Cane

The team from the Maluku Province Forest Service has conducted surveys for the development of sugarcane plantations in Aru Islands.

The Chairman of the local Area Planning Agency (Bappeda), Arens Uniplaitta, said that the team has conducted the survey in early February 2012. Survey aiming to preparing land for sugar plantations seeding.

Development of sugar plantations by the Tower Group is also programmed for the construction of sugar mills and livestock barns.

Arens added that the sugar plantation was programmed for a large scale activities, prioritized in the district of South Aru, that gradually to reach tens of thousands of hectares.

When the sugar cane plantation has been realized, Arens certainly that the sugar plantation  will cope with unemployment in  Aru Islands and Maluku province in general.

He said the need for labor for sugar plantations, sugar mills, and livestock development will  absorb hundreds of thousands of workers.

Maintaining The Last Mangroves

Enviroment practitioner from University of Bung Hatta, Eni Kamal, said that mangrove forests in the West Sumatra Province now only 39.600 hectares left and must be maintained.

West Sumatra, he added, is actually ideal for Mangrove forest live, but local governments in each county and city should be able to defend it.

The Chairman Coastal and Marine Center said, the destruction of mangrove forests in Sumatra is estimated at 30 percent, and there should be government's role to do the reforestation of mangrove plants in the waters of West Sumatra.

From 19 counties and cities in West Sumatra, the practitioner explained, the province city capital, Padang, mangrove forest destruction has reached 70 percent.

The damage to mangrove forests caused land uses, and illegal logging that utilizes wood from the mangrove.

Mangroves, customarily grown in places that siltation occurs and have organic matter accumulation, in bays and around the the river mouth where the water slows down and carrying silt from upstream.

Mangroves forrest have a great function and benefits, retaining coastal erosion , place for marine life, and can be one of the attractions beaches.

The mangrove forests themselves is extensive in Mentawai Islands, West Sumatra , but unfortunately much damaged due to illegal logging activity. Other areas such as in West Pasaman, South Coast district, Agam regency, and district Pariaman.

Eni added that the current government program for the rehabilitation of mangrove forests should be supported, such as the recently performed in West Pasaman, that planted a thousand mangrove trunks.

The management and rehabilitation of coastal and marine ecosystems program is part of the implementation of the medium-term development plan  2011-2015 of the West Sumatra goverment.

The program targeting rehabilitate 90 hekatare mangroves forests each year, so at the end 2015 total mangrove forest area to be rehabilitated to 450 hectares.

Sumatran Tiger Attacking Villager

Villager in Merangin district are asking to local government for immediately dispel wild Sumatran tigers (Panthera Tigris Sumatrae) that scare and prevent them from doing daily activities.

Lubuk Gaung Village Chief, Abdul Karim, said that on Sunday the Sumatran tigers are roaming around the resident's houses. Abdul added that his villager particularly farmers and gold miners are really scared.

Tigers already attacked two of his villagers. Currently, the local residents are afraid to go into the woods and rivers to do their daily routine such as tapping rubber and panning for gold, he said.

Neighboring Nalo Tan-Tan village chief, Thamrin, also said that the government must understand the people’s fear of being haunted by the tigers every day.

He feared if the government do not immediately dispel the tigers, farmers on the side of the Kerinci Seblat Park will starve. Bacause of the tiger, they do not dare to tap rubber and pan for gold, or do other agricultural activities.

As reported earlier that on January 20, a 33-year old local resident named Sargawi was found dead after allegedly being attacked by the wild Sumatran tigers.

Later, a Nangko hamlet resident Mardi also fell victim to tiger attack. He was found with his leg missing and he is now being treated at Merangin general hospital.

The latest reported case was in Lubuk Gaung hamlet where tiger almost attacked 50-year old female Samaini. The incident occurred when Samaini was about to take water from the well beside her house.

At that time, Samaini heard a tiger roars from her back, witnessing the beast near her, she then immediately screamed for her husband.

Her scream made the tiger immediately fled to the jungle, and her husband Tabri went straight to his wife, who was pale at the time.

Lately, Sumatran Tiger often attacking villger, this behavior believed because of human expansion for sattlement and plantation on Sumatran Tiger terittory.

Sumatran Tiger or Panthera Tigris Sumatrae ia endangered animal, faced critical extinction. Estimated only about 400-500 Sumtran Tigers remaining in wild nature.

Kamis, 16 Februari 2012

The Pongo Savior

Pongo Pygmaeus is a rare kind of primates that inhabiting on Borneo Island, this species faces extinction cause of human continual expand in their territory.

Native people called Ponggo Pygmaeus by "Orang Utan" (Forest Man). Ponggo behavior most like human, it has amazing intelligence.

This major problem that Ponggo faced, made Albertus Tjiu, wild life activist, dedicated his time for this creature.

With his colleague in World Wildlife Fund (WWF) - Indonesia, Albert is preparing to build research center for Pongo Pygmaeus in Meliau Village, Batang Lupar District, Kapuas Hulu Regency, West Borneo Province, Borneo Island.

Albert said this project budget estimated to 300 millions Indonesian Rupiahs. In order to Succeed, he add, this research center need sufficient area and suport from villager.

The research center will focusing for one of Pongo subspecies, Pongo Pygmaeus Pygmaeus, other than two other Pongo subspecies that  live in Borneo Island, Pongo  Pygmaeus Wurmbii and Ponggo Pygmaeus Morio.

According to Albert, about 1.500 Pongo Pygmaeus Pygmaeus is concentrated in Betung Kerihun National Park and other around Kapuas Hulu Regency area.

He expects, research center for Ponggo Pygmaeus Pygmaeus that WWF-Indonesia Build, will able to produce information and data about population, habitats, and nature of Pongo Pygmaeus Pygmaeus..

Albert struggle for Ponggo is not easy as it look. Even his parent questioned his choice, because as WWF volunteer in the first time, 1996, his parent in doubt about their son future. After several years, Albert  finally recruited as WWF-Indonesia staff for West Borneo project.

2005 is his first debut as researcher about Pongo Pygmaeus, a number of important researchs and surveys Albert has managge.

One of his enlighted experience is when Albert found a Pongo baby cub, at Teluk Kaur Forrest, that separated from it parent. The young three years old primate have several injure on it caused falling from a tree.

He treat the cub until heal enough, and than releases it in to the jungle. After three days, villagers founded that the baby Pongo is reunited with it parent.

From that experience, Albert believed that Pongo Pygmaeus has similiar instinct and feelling as human. His faith is parallel with expert research, that Ponggo have 97 % similiar genetic with human.

Pongo Killing Field

Existency of Pongo Pygmaeus or "Orang utan" in Borneo Island is threatened to extinction, because of human expansion, especially Palm Oil Plantion Corporation.

Corporation have lethal policy for Pongo Pygmaeus, that is "shoot to kill". The killing proved In East Borneo Province, Kutai Kerta Negara Regancy, corporation hired villager to eliminated Pongo, that they call as "Pest Exterminate" policy.

Authorities already arrested two Pongo killer, and as soon as posible the owner of Palm Oil Plantation will faced the same charge.

This cases get wide public attention, including expert, activist, and NGO, because they believed that about 750 Pongo Pygmaeus were killed in a year alone. (Dasa Novi Gultom)