Senin, 20 Februari 2012

Maintaining The Last Mangroves

Enviroment practitioner from University of Bung Hatta, Eni Kamal, said that mangrove forests in the West Sumatra Province now only 39.600 hectares left and must be maintained.

West Sumatra, he added, is actually ideal for Mangrove forest live, but local governments in each county and city should be able to defend it.

The Chairman Coastal and Marine Center said, the destruction of mangrove forests in Sumatra is estimated at 30 percent, and there should be government's role to do the reforestation of mangrove plants in the waters of West Sumatra.

From 19 counties and cities in West Sumatra, the practitioner explained, the province city capital, Padang, mangrove forest destruction has reached 70 percent.

The damage to mangrove forests caused land uses, and illegal logging that utilizes wood from the mangrove.

Mangroves, customarily grown in places that siltation occurs and have organic matter accumulation, in bays and around the the river mouth where the water slows down and carrying silt from upstream.

Mangroves forrest have a great function and benefits, retaining coastal erosion , place for marine life, and can be one of the attractions beaches.

The mangrove forests themselves is extensive in Mentawai Islands, West Sumatra , but unfortunately much damaged due to illegal logging activity. Other areas such as in West Pasaman, South Coast district, Agam regency, and district Pariaman.

Eni added that the current government program for the rehabilitation of mangrove forests should be supported, such as the recently performed in West Pasaman, that planted a thousand mangrove trunks.

The management and rehabilitation of coastal and marine ecosystems program is part of the implementation of the medium-term development plan  2011-2015 of the West Sumatra goverment.

The program targeting rehabilitate 90 hekatare mangroves forests each year, so at the end 2015 total mangrove forest area to be rehabilitated to 450 hectares.

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